
Sunday, 1 July 2018

Has anyone found my Red Ribbon?

As the International AIDS Conference is coming to Amsterdam, media attention is focused on HIV and AIDS, sharing stories about people living with HIV in the Netherlands. As an HIV Activist, I was invited to share my story on how I reach other African people, giving them information, and convincing them that they should take an HIV test, or continue to take their medication regularly.

Last Thursday from 9h15 till 11h15 a journalist and cameraman from NOS TV (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting - the 24:7 news Channel in the Netherlands) were at my home making a documentary to be shown in the week of the AIDS Conference in the hourly news broadcasts (Nieuws Uur).  It was a very good experience working with them on my story, and I hope that it will serve a good purpose, reaching out to the community and helping to break taboos.

After shooting the documentary I had to rush to my next appointment where I needed to talk with the Project manager for Stichting Vluchtelingen Ambassadeurs.  I was still wearing a beautiful African dress, with my favourite Red Ribbon; I did not need to change as I went by bicycle to Emiclear.  We had some good coffee sitting outside as it was a warm day. While we were talking an old lady came along and said: “You look lovely in that dress!“  I said thank you.  Do you need a hug? She said: “Yes please - I am so happy just looking at you!”  So I gave her a hug. We continued the conversation and it ended with positive news, which I will share soon!
Then It was time to run to school to pick up my kids. Life is really busy here in the Netherlands - no kidding, I then went straight to my Pharmacy to pick up my medication, and then straight to the supermarket to buy food for the evening meal.
When we had finished our dinner, I went to take my dress off, but then realized that I had lost my Red Ribbon. My husband asked me to describe every place I went to.  We took a walk together and went in different directions, along the route I had taken on my bike, walking together side by side and talking. Every time we saw something red, we rushed to see if it was my Red Ribbon. We didn’t find it.  I was so sad! My husband felt sorry for me and went on the internet and ordered two more ribbons from the site at Aliexpress.  Now they are on the way to me from China. I am happy to have found a solution, but I still would love to get my original ribbon back, as we were shared a lot together.  So if you find my Red Ribbon, would you please get in touch with me?
Thank you

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